Meet the Board

All IMTAL Board Members: attend two (2) board meetings each year, one at the AAM annual meeting and one in the fall at a rotating location (sometimes held in conjunction with other IMTAL events). IMTAL may provide up to $300 each year to assist with Board travel. Participate in ten (10) conference calls, typically at once per month. Contribute to board discussions, decision-making and strategic planning. Attend and represent IMTAL at professional events including IMTAL conferences and the AAM annual meeting.

PRESIDENT:  Elysia Segal, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum (New York, NY)
Term: 2 years, after 2 years as Vice President. Moves into 1 additional year as Past President (3 year commitment)
Duties: Serve as liaison to AAM and the Council of Affiliates, run Board meetings and conference calls including the compilation of agendas, lead special projects, represent IMTAL at events and conferences, and oversee the implementation of IMTAL's strategic plan.


Term: 2 years, then automatically ascending to President and Past President (5 year commitment)
Duties: Assist with planning IMTAL conferences. Lead strategic planning during the first year of the term. Lead the Conference committee.

Nora Quinn , Formerly of National Constitution Center (Philadelphia, PA)
Term: 2 years plus additional year training next Treasurer (3 year commitment)
Duties: Manage IMTAL's finances, including paying bills, issuing reimbursements, submitting invoices, compiling IMTAL's taxes, preparing budgets, and producing financial reports. Oversee fundraising and grant writing and manage/acknowledge donations as needed. Lead the Grants and Finance Committee. (Training will be provided; first year as "apprentice" to former Treasurer.)

Elizabeth Keaney, Office of Historic Alexandria (Alexandria, VA)
Term: 3 years
Duties: Serve as administrator and content manager of the IMTAL website (create and update pages, edit photos, upload documents, manage member passwords, respond to inquiries, etc.), serve as moderator of the IMTAL list serve, compile minutes from Board meetings and conference calls, maintain records of Board actions, decisions and contacts, coordinate note-taking at IMTAL conferences, and complete/submit IMTAL's legal forms as needed.


Term: 2 years
Duties: Serve as content editor for
 INSIGHTS, the IMTAL magazine, coordinate the production and distribution of INSIGHTS, and maintain and distribute the IMTAL brochure and other publications as needed. 

Aaron Bonds , Children's Museum of Indianapolis (Indianapolis, IN)
Term: 2 years
Duties: Actively recruit and help to initiate new members, coordinate member surveys, maintain member database, reach out to lapsed members and institutions, respond to membership inquiries, and plan and coordinate annual membership drive. Additionally establish ongoing relationships with other organizations (ALHFAM, NAI, AZA, etc) and seek out new opportunities for IMTAL membership activities at other institutions.

Todd D. Norris, Independent Freelance; Formerly of Children's Museum of Indianapolis (Indianapolis, IN)
Term: 1 year, after serving 2 years as Vice President and 2 years as President
Duties: Serve as advisor to the IMTAL Board, lead special projects, and assist all Board members as needed.

BOARD MEMBERS AT LARGE:  Jacquelyn Coleman, High Desert Museum (Bend, OR)

Multiple Positions; please note these positions are non-voting.
Term: 1 year (renewable each year up to 3 years)
Duties: Assist in assigned Board function (for example, publications, membership/website, events).  May lead and/or assist in an assigned special project.  May serve as a liaison to an assigned partner organization of IMTAL. Attend conference calls, board meetings and IMTAL events as needed.  Contribute to board discussions and decision making (though does not vote on board resolutions.)


  • IMTAL Founder Catherine Hughes
  • Tessa BridalFormerly of Science Museum of Minnesota, Children's Museum of Indianapolis, Monterey Bay Aquarium

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International Museum Theatre Alliance (IMTAL)
c/o New England Museum Association
22 Mill Street, Ste 409       Arlington, MA 02476